Tuesday, September 25, 2012

a shocking and sad discovery i stumbled upon


after reading even just the headline the first question was "what has this world come to" the words on the side cut through like knives into my chest its one thing to lose someone by a accident is sad enough but because they wanted to die even worse though both situations are sad i was still shocked by this new research please feel free to put your input

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

hello again

hello again I know its been so long but i want to inform the 5 followers i have that i have another blog for my writing that i hope you'll check out http://futurestoriesbyyourfavoriterightsguy.blogspot.com/
also on this blog A Fight For Your Rights.  I will take on and discuss the upcoming election and which candidate will help your future look brighter thank you :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

an outcast

this will be last post of the day...

Everyday i feel like an outcast at school, at home, even walking around town.  I eat lunch by the staircase at lunch because i hate hearing the things that are apparently wrong with me that others at lunch point out but luckily i have a friend whose by the stairs with me most days and helps make it better.  but anyways i feel like an outcast mostly because of the things i like.  Yeah i like Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, etc.  is there really something wrong with that i dont think so but maybe there is.  i love writing and poetry and reading oh but theres something wrong with that to mostly because im a guy and well you know guys cant like that stuff its weird.  The worst thing i get criticed of all though glee why because of all the gays, and the singing and everything else its ridiculous i can't wait to get out of here i'm sick of being called a freak or a fag or complete loser for being who i am whats worse is some of the people i call my friends are the worst offenders but i crack a fake smile an act ok because its either that or being alone.  Its so sad i can relate more to girls then i can guys am i cant help it in fact some of my best friends are girls an i tell them everything because i actually trust them.  Only two people know of a secret of mine im scared to admit because then i really would be alone because in this town its so unacceptable and wrong that you might as well be dead ugh i guess overall im tired of trying to hid who i am because in this town its so indifferent that i wouldnt even be considered a good enough person to be around. ive been strong though ive only broken down and cried twice which is good at least for me... only a couple more months then its adios to this place well at least this school theres the silver lining right? ugh..... :(

Believing In Faith, A Frauded Censorship, and A Fight For Freedom

For the paper i am writing about the tri-faith or 3 religions joining together as 1 but i am struggling i want to write it but i'm afraid to say something that someone will not like because its a touchy subject.  So i find it hard as i weave through my words to catch myself before releasing a mess to the paper where someone will not truly understand the purpose again.  
im also writing about censorship in t.v. the system totally messed up needs to be taken down an redone the things on t.v. these days promoting models at age 4, or running around new jersey half naked and drunk, or even the constant bleeping of words because someone like dog the bounty hunters vocabulary is sadly short and distasteful.  its a mess but people watch and im not sure why i mean its ok to have a little of that stuff and show its bad but to make t.v. all about that i don't think so and once again i struggle to find the words to write because im on the losing side to that battle..
lastly i am writing about the fighting in syria i really take this to heart its sad and heartbreaking, people unable to get help because theyll be arrested on the spot, 4 year olds running from sniper fire its crazy i dont want to say much though that what my articles about honestly its the only one i cant wait to see published
yeah i shorten this summary up i apologize but it had to be put the writers block was killing me but i think im back yay

The Return

due to the massive feeling i get to wanting to start up my writing again my dad suggested to do a blog then i remembered of why hello there blogspot  i seem to have neglected you in the past couple months i went from voicing my opinion left in right in a small journalism class to quietly walking the hallways of this dreaded school afraid to speak even though i know 90 percent of the people are not really listening but either way i have refound my love to write an i will hopefully continue to write about news, opinions, and short stories or ideas for storied to relive my writing career thank you that is all

Thursday, December 15, 2011

top ten new tv shows coming (project)

1. Jersey whores (as if the show wasn't trashy already)
2. Real World: Nebraska (everyone was sick of coastal city's next up hicks gone wild)
3. The Real House Wives of Hugh Hefner (that's  a lot of women)
4. Inspirational words of Rick Perry (with some slurs)
5. The Perverts at Penn State (oh my)
6.soccer moms (sports wives out sport moms in)
7. 12 and on drugs (forget teen moms are youth are smoking to stupidy earlier then ever)
8. hokie season (Virginia Tech part 3)
9.  Lebron vs. Kobe (when theirs nothing better to argue about)
10. Pimp my Bride ( this year was all about weddings from the royal couple to the kim and chris wedding if that counts)

sorry this is terrible the skype debated failed :(